Millions of India’s children particularly in rural areas are still denied the simple joy of childhood, love, protection and so often life itself. And for any change on a significant scale, it will require each one of us to start thinking of those children, not out of sympathy, but as a responsible citizen with the same rights that we consider for our own children.
You can be a powerful partner of PARD INDIA as its communicator, without even stepping into our offices or homes. You can speak to your friends, family and colleagues to create awareness and empathy for the situation of underprivileged children (V-kids are those children hailing from villages and are often denied equal opportunities in their upbringing, study environment, and exposure to the competitive world), their families and communities. Make a pledge to bring a change in the life of at least one v-kid in your lifetime. Glorify your social responsibility.
Giving voice to deprived children is crucial for advocating their rights and improving their lives. Here's a structured approach that we adopt to empower and amplify their voices: