Give Voice


Join us in amplifying the voices of deprived children (V-kids)!

Millions of India’s children particularly in rural areas are still denied the simple joy of childhood, love, protection and so often life itself. And for any change on a significant scale, it will require each one of us to start thinking of those children, not out of sympathy, but as a responsible citizen with the same rights that we consider for our own children.

You can be a powerful partner of PARD INDIA as its communicator, without even stepping into our offices or homes. You can speak to your friends, family and colleagues to create awareness and empathy for the situation of underprivileged children (V-kids are those children hailing from villages and are often denied equal opportunities in their upbringing, study environment, and exposure to the competitive world), their families and communities. Make a pledge to bring a change in the life of at least one v-kid in your lifetime. Glorify your social responsibility.


Some Ways of what you can do as an Advocate of Child Rights

  • Partner with companies to improve educational infrastructure.
  • Make a visit to the government primary and/or high school in your neighborhood, where most of the poor children study, and understand the school conditions.
  • Spend some time with the teachers and the children and share your experiences on success stories including yours.
  • Encourage them by explaining the importance of education and its power to change one’s life to come out of poverty.
  • Identify the children who are academically and economically weak and need support. Try to do help within your reach; and refer such children to PARD INDIA and other NGOs working for such social cause.
  • Ask yourself what is in the long-term best interests of children around you – your own, your neighbor’s, the child who works as child labor. Think of opportunities you can give all of these children to play, learn, do creative things together.
  • Sit with your children and initiate a discussion or work on a project to improve the situation of under privileged children in your community neighborhood, school, on the streets, etc.
  • Use the social media platforms advocating the rights of children.

Support our initiatives to empower young voices and ensure they are heard and respected.!

Giving voice to deprived children is crucial for advocating their rights and improving their lives. Here's a structured approach that we adopt to empower and amplify their voices:

Step 1 : Establish Safe and Supportive Environments

  • Safe Spaces : Create physical and virtual spaces where deprived children feel safe and supported to express themselves.
  • Trust Building : Build trust through consistent and caring interactions with children.

Step 2 : Facilitate Expression and Storytelling

  • Personal Narratives : Encourage children to share their personal stories and experiences through writing, drawing, or speaking.
  • Creative Outlets : Provide art supplies, music instruments, and other creative tools to help children express themselves.

Step 3 : Promote Participation and Involvement

  • Children's Councils : Establish councils or committees where children can voice their opinions and participate in decision-making.
  • Community Forums : Hold community forums where children can speak about their experiences and suggest solutions.

Step 4 : Provide Education and Advocacy Training

  • Rights Education : Teach children about their rights and how they can advocate for themselves and others.
  • Communication Skills : Offer workshops on public speaking, storytelling, and advocacy skills.

Step 5 : Utilize Media and Technology

  • Digital Platforms : Use social media, blogs, and other digital platforms to share children’s stories and perspectives.
  • Media Collaborations : Partner with media organizations to feature stories of deprived children, highlighting their challenges and successes.

Step 6 : Engage in Policy Advocacy

  • Policy Campaigns : Advocate for policies that protect and empower deprived children.
  • Community Engagement : Mobilize community support to create a supportive environment for children's voices to be heard.

Be “The Voice of Voiceless”