Joy Of Giving

Donate In Kind

About 65% of the Indian population lives in rural areas, which includes villages. Most of the villages in rural India remain in a deplorable state, primarily lacking adequate health, education, and sanitation facilities. There is a cluster of marginalized communities in every village living in absolute poverty, and they are not privileged to have access to quality of life. Without addressing the equitable justice and empowerment of these vulnerable communities at the grassroots, we cannot take pride in the development of our nation.

You may share your joy by supporting any of the following ways that will empower marginalized communities by improving quality of life and transforming rural lives:

"Share A Meal & Feed the Hungry"

Address “Zero Hunger” by donating food (annadhanam) to needy people and thus donating life (pranadhanam)

Plant A Tree

Invest in “Green Gold” to save our planet by planting trees as they grow and give back to the environment and communities

Build A “Temple of School”

Build “temples of schools” in rural areas and spread the power of education – empowerment and equality

Sponsor A “Medical Camp”

Empower rural lives through free medical camps offering medical check-ups, medicines, and access to healthcare facilities

Gift A “Laptop/Computer”

Help to bridge the “Digital Gap” between rural and urban areas by providing an e-learning platform to the V-kids

Donate A “Garbage Bin”

Gift a Waste Bin to maintain cleanliness, promote recycling, prevent environmental pollution, and ensure community health and well-being

Donate A “Community Bench”

Make your presence in villages by installing Community Benches that contribute to the inclusiveness and well-being of the communities

Gift A “Sewing Machine”

Empower rural women through sewing skills, fostering economic independence and community engagement

Donate A “Freezer Box”

Make A Difference by donating a Freezer Box to create a respectful environment for the deceased and preserve the bereaved families' hope at tough times

Donate An Ambulance

Gift an Ambulance to provide rapid response and emergency medical care to marginalized communities in remote villages and save lives

Build A “Public Toilet”

Build a “Swachh Village” by constructing public toilets, essential for maintaining health and hygiene among rural communities

Donate A Vehicle

Help us to reach the needy in remote villages by wheels to serve them better and improve our operational efficiency and effectiveness

Sponsor A “WASH Project”

Partner with us to create access to water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) facilities in schools in rural areas, promoting quality education for V-kids

Make A “Smart Village”

Adopt a village and work together to achieve Sustainable Developmental Goals (SDGs) to transform lives at the grassroots