Every donation we receive is invested in empowering our beneficiaries – deprived children (V-kids), their families, and the communities who are often denied equal opportunities and struggling to rise from the bottom of the curve in our society.
You can join us as a member of our General Body by paying a minimum of Rs. 100.00 annually. A donor who donates an amount between Rs. 100 to Rs. 365 (Donation Rs. ≥ 100 and < 365) is considered as “An Agent of Change”.
Participate in addressing the issues that accelerate inclusive development at the grassroots.
You can join us as a member of our General Body by paying a minimum of Rs. 365.00 per year. A donor who donates an amount between Rs. 365 to Rs. 10,000 (Donation Rs. ≥ 365 and < 10,000) is considered as “The POWER of ONE”.
You can be our “Lifetime Star Member” to become our permanent stakeholder by donating a one-time amount of Rs. 10,000.00 (Rupees Ten Thousand only) or a higher amount (Donation Rs. ≥ 10,000).
This membership will create partnering and mentoring opportunities to develop a lasting change in the lives of deprived children (V-kids) and marginalized communities in rural areas.